
If you’re in the market for a new heating system, you may be wondering if steam boilers or steam generators are better. Both of these systems can provide heat for you and reduce your carbon footprint. But they each have different pros and cons. This makes them more suited for some people than others. In this article, we’ll explain how each one works and help you figure out which one is right for you.

What is the Difference Between a Steam Generator and a Boiler?

A boiler is a heat exchanger that uses water as its working fluid to generate steam. Boilers are used in industrial applications, such as power plants or manufacturing facilities, but they can also be found in homes and businesses that rely on steam for heating or cooling.

A steam generator converts heat into electricity using an internal combustion engine (ICE), gas turbine, or steam turbine. Steam generators are commonly used in power plants where large amounts of electricity are needed onsite. However, when grid power fails due to storms or other natural disasters. The smaller-scale generators can be used at home to power appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners.



steam generator vs boiler


What is a Steam Boiler?

A steam boiler is a kind of energy conversion equipment. The energy input to the boiler is in the form of chemical energy in the fuel, electric energy, heat energy of high-temperature flue gas, etc. After conversion by the boiler, it outputs steam, high-temperature water, or organic heat carrier with certain heat energy. The water is used to generate steam, which can be used to drive turbines or other devices. Steam boilers can be used to heat buildings and produce electricity, although they’re typically found in industrial settings rather than residential ones.

What is a Steam Generator?

A steam generator is a device that uses heat to create steam. It is a closed system, meaning that it does not require air or water to operate, but rather absorbs all of its needed materials from the surrounding environment as well as its own waste products. A steam generator can be used in many industries, including food processing and manufacturing plants as well as hospitals and laboratories.

Is a Steam Generator or Steam Boiler More Efficient?

The steam boiler is more efficient because it has a higher efficiency rating. Steam boilers have an efficiency rating of 90% or more, while steam generators can only reach 80%. This means that the boiler will use less energy to produce the same amount of steam as a generator.

The second reason why boilers are more efficient than generators is because they produce steam faster, which means less time spent waiting for your water to get hot!


boiler generator


Who Has a Longer Lifespan Between a Steam Generator and a Steam Boiler?

The lifespan of a boiler is longer than that of a steam generator. The lifespan of a boiler is usually 20-25 years. The service life of the steam generator is about 10-15 years.

This can be attributed to the fact that boilers are more durable, as they do not use water and pipes as much as steam generators do. This means there are fewer parts that can break down over time.

Advantages of a Steam Generator.

While a boiler is the more common heating system for homes, there are some advantages to using a steam generator. For example:

Steam generators are easier to install than boilers. You don’t need any special tools or experience with plumbing or electricity to set up your new unit. Just follow the instructions provided by your manufacturer and you’ll be good to go!

Steam generators cost less than boilers on average. While there are some exceptions (depending on what type of unit you get). Most steam generators fall into this category because they’re smaller in size than boilers. This means they use less energy during operation and thus cost less money over time.

Boilers produce harmful emissions like carbon dioxide (CO2) when operating at high temperatures. However, many units with which we associate “traditional” heating systems actually run off natural gas or propane rather than coal or wood pellets.



Disadvantages of a Steam Generator.

Steam generators require more maintenance than boilers. This is due in part to the fact that they use condensate pumps and filters to collect water droplets from the steam flow. And remove them from your home’s air supply. These components must be cleaned or replaced regularly to keep your system operating smoothly.

In addition, both types of systems will last for many years with proper care and maintenance. Steam generators tend to have shorter lifespans than boilers. Because they’re more complicated and therefore more likely to fail due to wear and tear over time.

Finally, since steam generators don’t produce as much heat per pound as boilers do (which means more fuel needs), they’re not as energy efficient overall.

Advantages of a Steam Boiler.

Lower operating cost. The operating costs for a steam boiler are lower than those for an electric-powered water heater. This is because the gas or oil used to heat the water can be used up more efficiently, and there are no additional electricity bills to pay.

More efficient than other types of heating systems. A typical electric water heater uses about 30% of its energy producing heat, while a traditional furnace uses only about 12%. A steam boiler uses only about 5%. The rest being lost as waste heat through vents in your house!

More Applications. Can be used for any size space or application you need it for (from small apartments all the way up through large commercial buildings).

Disadvantages of a Steam Boiler.

More expensive. Steam boilers are more expensive than steam generators, as they require the installation of a condenser and superheater.

Complicated. Steam boilers are also more complicated to install, as they require an area to house them in order to work effectively.

Require more maintenance. Since steam boilers need to be maintained regularly and carefully, they can be difficult for people who don’t have any experience with them or knowledge about how they work.


industrial steam generator


How to choose a steam generator or boiler?

Choosing an appropriate steam generator or boiler is a complex process. You need to take into account your budget, needs, and requirements as well as the cost of power consumption and fuel.

There are many variables that go into choosing the right size for you, including:

  • The amount of steam you require each day (in tons per hour).
  • How much space do you have available for installation?
  • Whether or not there’s already an existing pipeline system in place at your location.



While both steam generators and boilers are used in industrial processes, they have distinct differences. The main difference is that boilers use burning fuel to heat water while steam generators use electricity as their power source. If you want to learn about the detailed parameters and prices of steam generators and steam boilers, please contact us at +0086 186-2391-5479.

About Dabonn

About Dabonn

Zhengzhou Dabonn Energy Co., Ltd.

We have more than 20 years of experience in boiler system equipment research and development and manufacturing. And committed to designing and producing boilers that suit your needs, including fire-tube, water-tube, and steam boilers, while also staying up-to-date with the latest technological boiler.

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