
There are many things to consider when choosing between a propane boiler or an oil-fired boiler for your home heating system. In this article, we’ll compare a propane boiler vs an oil boiler so that you can decide which is right for your home and budget!

Main Difference

The main difference between propane boilers and oil boilers is the fuel source. Propane boilers use natural gas, which comes from underground deposits of fossilized prehistoric plants and animals. Oil boilers use heating oil, a petroleum product made from crude oil that has been refined into many other products including gasoline and jet fuel.

Efficiency and BTUs

When it comes to efficiency and BTUs, oil boilers are the clear winner. Oil boilers can achieve an efficiency rating between 80% and 90%, while propane boilers usually range from 65% to 75%. This means that an oil boiler will be able to heat your home faster than a propane one.

To calculate the BTUs of an oil boiler, you need to know the size of your unit, then multiply it by its output per hour (in gallons). For example: if your heating system is a 100-gallon tank with an output of 3 gallons per hour and you want to know how much heat that will provide over 24 hours, simply multiply those two numbers together–100 x 3 = 300 gallons per day!

Similarly, for propane boilers, multiply their capacity by their output in pounds per hour. For example, A 100-pound tank produces 5 pounds per hour. So if you want to know how much heat this will provide over 24 hours (or any other time period), just multiply 100 x 5 = 500 pounds per day!


propane vs oil cost


Thermal Performance

When you are comparing propane boilers and oil boilers, one of the most important factors to consider is thermal performance. Thermal performance is defined as how well a boiler can heat your home or building without wasting energy.

Heat exchangers are one way for a heating system to improve its thermal performance rating (or “efficiency”). Heat exchangers use pipes filled with water that pass through another pipe that contains hot air from your furnace. This allows for more efficient heating because it doesn’t require as much energy to get warm air into your home or building.

Thermostats control how much power goes into each room in order to maintain comfort levels throughout your house or building. For example, if there are multiple thermostats throughout an apartment complex and each one has been set at 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius), then only those rooms with people inside them will be heated; others will not receive any heat at all until someone enters those rooms again later on during the day when they want warmer temperatures.

Use Comparison

Propane is an excellent choice for use in a wide variety of applications. It can be used as a fuel source for heating, cooking, and power generation. Propane boilers are ideal for homes or businesses that require hot water on demand.

Oil boilers are typically used to heat large spaces such as schools and office buildings. Their popularity has decreased over time due to the fact that they do not provide enough energy efficiency compared with other sources such as natural gas or electricity.

Environmental Impact

Propane is a fossil fuel, but it’s cleaner than oil. Propane has lower CO2 emissions and produces fewer particulates in the air. The combustion process for propane produces fewer nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). It also produces fewer toxic compounds like benzene, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde than do other fuels like methane or diesel.



Heating Oil Pros

Oil boilers are a great option for those who want to save money on their energy bills. They’re also ideal for homes that need to heat large areas since they can provide consistent heat throughout the home.

Oil boilers are also efficient at heating water, making them ideal for those who use hot water taps frequently during cold weather months.

Heating oil is easy to find and install in your home, especially if you already have an existing furnace that uses it. If not, there are plenty of companies who can help you get set up with one that works well with your existing system and budget needs!

Heating oil is the least expensive option. Fuel oil is generally less than $0.15 per gallon, making it a cheaper alternative than propane or natural gas. This can add up to significant savings over time, especially if you live in an area with high energy costs or if you’re heating multiple buildings with your boiler.

Heating Oil Cons

  • Heating oil is a fossil fuel, so it has a high carbon footprint.
  • Heating oil must be stored in an underground tank. This can be dangerous if the tank leaks or explodes.
  • You will need to replace your heating system every 10-15 years, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

Propane Pros

  • Propane is a clean-burning fuel. It produces less emissions than oil and gas, so it’s better for the environment.
  • Propane is cheaper than oil, which makes it more cost-effective for homeowners who want to save money on their utility bills.
  • Propane are portable and can be stored in tanks outside of homes or businesses, making them easy to transport and store without having to build extra space into your home or office.

Propane Cons

  • Propane is more expensive than oil.
  • You need to have a propane tank on your property. This can be inconvenient, especially if you live in an urban area or don’t have access to land for the tank.
  • Propane doesn’t work well in cold weather, so it’s not ideal for people in northern climates with harsh winters (like Canada).

Heating Cost Comparison

While the initial cost of installing a propane heating system is higher than that of an oil boiler, it’s important to remember that you’ll be saving money in the long run. This is because propane heaters have significantly lower operating costs than their counterparts.

For example, if you were to install an 80 percent efficient propane furnace and run it 24 hours per day throughout the year (which would be very unusual), your annual fuel costs would only come out at $400. Compare this figure with the average annual cost of operating an oil furnace at 60 percent efficiency: $963!


propane vs oil heat cost calculator


How to Choose

When you’re considering your options, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, consider your heating needs. If you live in an area with extreme cold or hot weather and need to heat your entire home, then a propane boiler may work well for you.

Second, if most of your rooms are air-conditioned and only one room requires heating at any given time (for example a bedroom), then an oil boiler might be more appropriate since it can provide spot heating as needed.

Third, think about how much money is available for installation and maintenance costs before making a final decision about which type of fuel source is right for your home.

Finally, think about ease of use when making these decisions! Both types have their own benefits but also drawbacks. Take some time researching each option so that nothing catches us off guard later down the road when things start getting tricky (like unexpected repairs).


In conclusion, we recommend you should understand the differences between propane boilers and oil-fired boilers first. Then choose the appropriate heating system. If you’re looking for a more sustainable option and don’t mind paying more upfront cost. Then consider installing a propane boiler instead of an oil boiler On the other hand, if it’s important to save money on fuel costs or have access to cheaper sources of energy such as natural gas or coal then go with an oil boiler instead.


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